
2244 Allen Road
Bakersfield, CA 93314
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Our Directory

    Contact: Senior Pastor

    Jeff Harrington
    Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

      Contact: Children's Ministries

      Kati Ronk
      Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

        Contact: Youth Pastor

        Josiah Caploe
        Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

          Contact: Women's Bible Study

          Lyn Fasulo
          Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

            Contact: Men's Ministry

            Steve Ogden
            Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

              Contact: Nursery

              Contact the Church Office
              Please submit any questions or comments and we'll be sure to respond shortly.

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